Ultimo Mould Removal

HomeAreas We ServiceUltimo Mould Removal

We’re the mould removal experts in Ultimo

Just around the corner from Chinatown, Broadway, and the Powerhouse Museum, Ultimo is a major tourism hotspot in Sydney. Travellers can stop into Chinatown for unique meals and shopping, catch a live show on Broadway, or learn something new at the Museum…

It would be a shame for Ultimo’s great cultural experience to be ruined by a spot of mould!

Mould is caused by excessive moisture in homes and businesses. This dampness usually comes from leaking pipes, damaged rooves after a big rain, rising damp from basements and ground floors, or overall untended spills in the home. It can even make its way into wet shoes, damp clothes, and yep, even your kitchen cupboards.

It’s important to have mould removed from your home to create a healthier living environment or a cleaner office or business for customers. The team from Mould Removal are experts when it comes to mould removal and prevention. We use all natural products (used to clean baby bottles and hospital equipment) plus non-toxic techniques so your home or business remains safe.

Give us a call today on 1300 681 034 to get your mould problems under control, or email info@mouldremoval.net.au for a free quote.

Looking for mould removal and prevention services outside Ultimo? No worries – we serve a wide range of suburbs, including: