About Us

HomeAbout Us

We are a locally owned and operated Australian Company. We pride ourselves on our fast, efficient service and absolute quality of products and services.

We are a trusted supplier of Mould Removal services to the Real Estate industry assisting thousands of Property Managers, Strata Managers and property owners make their property a healthier living environment. We assist many of the large franchise agencies as well as independent offices throughout Sydney, Newcastle, Gosford and Wollongong regions, and of course servicing the public sector to homeowners and tenants alike.

Why Us For Professional Mould Removal?

We remove mould fast! We make a difference fast!

Our technique and knowledge will help make any home or unit into a healthier environment. Mould inside your home is often not the complicated issue that some organisations want you to believe.

Once we help you understand why mould grows, then controlling it generally is very simple once the initial infestation has been removed correctly.  Most severe infestations are from simple cross-contamination issues caused by using simplistic ‘old wives tale’ remedies that take vast amounts of time and energy but then the result is a worse issue than was originally present.

Our Safe Products

A disinfectant concentrate that has been proven to be effective for over 200 years. Some will scare you with toxic tales!  Let’s look at reality – the products we use are used every day around the world for your health and safety for example;

  • Sterilisation of babies’ bottles and all drink vessels
  • In Hospitals as disinfectants & germ control
  • Our drinking water sterilisation.

That’s because it’s over 200 years since it was developed and it is proven that it works.

Highly Effective

At removing and killing mould.

A Complete Treatment Service

Targeting air borne mould spores as well.

Great Results

Just look at our before and after photos – our professional mould cleaning techniques work.


Value added service – we offer our assistance with cause/s of excess moisture problems and simple common sense recommendations for future prevention. We have the expertise and experience to resolve persistent mould issues that are plaguing your home or investment

Free Quotes

No obligation, free quotes provided.

Local Australian Owned Business

We care! No call centres – just personal service.

Unique Application System

No spraying unnecessary excess product into the air, we care about the environment.

No “Up-Sell”

We do not use or sell any mysterious potions, ventilation systems, dehumidifiers or ongoing programmed treatments.  We specialise only in mould cleaning therefore you can be sure the observations and suggestions we give after the mould removal, is for the benefit of actually solving the mould issue and not to sell you other products or services, unlike many competitors.

Happy Clients

Genuine unsolicited testimonials from our happy clients!

Dispelling Myths

So called “Preventative Treatments” – Many claim to have a protective coating against mould.  This is pure fallacy – as the only proven way to prevent mould is to address the CAUSE – without this, new mould will spread and grow given the ideal conditions in which to live and thrive.

Mould Inhibitor – Products are available to add to paint substances to ‘protect against mould’ in wet areas.  Many people have misconceived the use of this product.  Yes, if you are repainting an area it may be useful to extend the life of the paintwork – however it is designed to strengthen the paint surface to prevent mould from being absorbed into the paintwork surface and damaging it – it does not prevent mould itself.

Rising Damp –  A commonly used term by novices to describe when dampness and mould are present.  Very rarely is this associated with rising damp as such (which is a result of the damp course/waterproofing  in brick foundations breaking down allowing moisture to enter a building from the ground up).  More commonly, we find that there is an underlying moisture issue causing a damp living environment – not rising damp as such. Beware of those who will sell you an expensive under-floor ventilation system to rid you of rising damp!

Future Prevention

We want to help you rid your home of unhealthy mould and help you understand why it’s growing and how you can control it simply in the future.

Understanding and controlling common causes of mould growth like:

  • Poor ventilation
  • Condensation
  • Leaks
  • Cross contamination

We also provide suitable prevention and control methods and tips for

  • Repairs and maintenance at home
  • Regular Cleaning