Winter is the one season which brings with it the worst problems with condensation and mould growth in your house. It can occur in all types of homes including brick, brick veneer, concrete and weatherboard. It is caused by warm moist air being trapped inside the home with doors and windows closed to keep out the cold instead of open to let the air circulate.
Air with high humidity has a large percentage of water vapour in it. When this air comes into contact with a cold surface the water vapour comes out of the air and remains as condensation on the cold surface. If this surface is an absorbent material like hanging clothes, shoes, mattresses or bed linen, it causes them to become damp.
As we know, moulds like warm, moist environments with organic matter present to feed on. Quite often after rain we find small patches of mould growing on ceilings, books, shoes and clothes. The one thing that is easiest to control to avoid mould problems in these areas is the moisture or humidity levels.
Warm moist air is created in the home from things like steam from cooking and bathrooms, clothes dryers that are not externally vented, some types of indoor heating and drying damp clothes inside. As it is obviously not possible to avoid some of these, it is important to take steps where possible to counter act them by:
- Opening doors and windows whenever possible.
- Ensure ventilators and exhaust fans are kept clean so they are working to their full capacity.
- Wipe dry surfaces where condensation has formed.
- Allow sunlight into the house whenever possible.
- Keep furniture away from walls to avoid dark airless areas.
- Ensure all clothes and shoes are dry before being stored.
- Use air conditioning and fans to get air circulating.
If your wardrobes or cupboards are not receiving daylight or are poorly ventilated, the installation of a low level source of heat such as an electric light bulb, along with a dehumidifier or an air conditioner set on DRY mode can be effective at preventing mould.
So what is the best method of removing mould from clothes, shoes and bedding? Anything that can be washed in the washing machine should be washed and then thoroughly dried in the sun before being put away again. There are many anti-bacterial washing products available at your supermarket that will kill mould in the wash. The use of essential oils like clove oil is also cautioned against, as they can leave brown marks on fabrics and furniture. They have also been known to cause allergic reactions in some people. Some anti-bacterial sprays that contain 60% alcohol or anti-bacterial wipes that are treated with a disinfectant can work in small areas like on shoes. You just need to be careful to use a fresh surface of the wipe so that you don’t re-contaminate an area you have just cleaned.
Unfortunately some items of clothing or furniture just may not be salvageable and are best to be removed from the house to stop mould growth spreading. If you are unsure or need clarification on why mould keeps occurring in your home, contact a mould removal specialist.
If your property is located in the Sydney, Central Coast or Newcastle areas contact the professionals at Mould Removal today on 0408 681034 or email info@mouldremoval.net.au for an obligation free quote to rid your property of potential health problems.